Menstrual, Uterine Care & Trans* ScarWork Clinic @ the Gender Health Hub, Concordia

Clinic dates:

2024: Sept 25, 26 // Oct 3, 24 // Nov 7, 28

2025: Jan 22, 23 // Feb 5, 6 // March 6, 27

The Menstrual, Uterine Care & Trans ScarWork clinic centers holistic health for gender minorities. This clinic is open to students, faculty and staff at Concordia University.

You can find us twice a month located in the CSU Conference Rooms, Hall Building.

60 min sessions are sliding scale $20-40.

 The Menstrual, Uterine Care & Trans ScarWork Clinic is a joint project between Concordia Student Union,  the Gender Health Hub, Tiger Lotus Coop, Healing Resistance Bodywork & Community Healing Days.

Menstrual & Reproductive Consultations & Abdominal Massage

with: Courtney, Tiger Lotus Coop

offering consultations & bodywork supporting folks with menstrual & uterine health:
🌙 PCOS, Endo, Fibroids, Cysts
🌙 Digestive struggles & stress
🌙Painful/irregular periods, PMS, PMDD
🌙Chronic UTI's & vaginal infections
🌙Fertility & preconception health
🌙Perinatal and perimenopause 

Trans* ScarWork and Uterine Scar Healing

with: Manna, Healing Resistance

offering scarwork & bodywork to support healing from:

🦋transmasculine top surgery

🦋chest/breast reductions & augmentations
🦋 C- Sections & hysterectomies
🦋Endometriosis & myomectomy surgeries